Wednesday 8 November 2017

Gahhhhhh.  After over 2 years of not touching my lampwork torch I'm going to try and make beads again.  I'm expecting it to be a long and painful process of trying to re-learn everything it took me 7 or 8 years to learn in the first place.  Darn.

In the meantime, none of my passwords work, Etsy has changed pretty much everything about their check out system and I forget how to take and edit beads pictures.  Can I go home now?

Just in case anyone out there is listening, wish me luck and keep and eye out for an update in a week or two.  If nothing happens in that time, then just assume that I gave up.

Take care,


  1. I shall look out for your updates and hopefully some bead photos! I am currently having a break from lampworking too but I used to enjoy looking at your blog for inspiration and colour combinations.

  2. Hey little one.....that's one helluva long break. Coming back soon, I hope. Love your work.
