Tuesday 18 June 2013

I hate blogging and I haven't even started yet

I am not going to discuss the weeks of my time that I have lost and will never get back trying to configure the look of this blog.  I am done with that.  I am moving on with my life.  My original intention was to setup a blog to help promote my lampwork beads and discuss some of the ins and outs of making said beads.  Somewhere along the line I lost track of that intention and decided to become a web developer.  Arrgghh. Just shoot me.

Even as I'm writing this, I decided to change the colour on my blog title so I did.  I seriously need help.

OK, enough of that.  My name is Carey and I make lampwork beads.  I've been at it for about 7 years and I've sold beads primarily on eBay and Etsy.  I've recently downloaded some of my pictures to Pinterest and Flickr and will be linking to these sometime in the future.  I'll also be updating my Profile and adding info there and probably changing colours and layouts and widget/gadgets, etc.  I really just can't seem to help myself but in the interests of getting at least one post actually posted, I'm going to ignore my urge to configure and focus on these beads.

This is my most recent set of lampwork beads.  I bought a new graphite marver from Pegasus Beads in the UK and I just love this shape.  The ridges allow light to flow through the glass from different angles and create a lovely, airy effect even when the beads are quite large.  This set reminds me of frosty, coloured Popsicles where the colours are bright and sort of see through but not quite. 

I've used CiM's (Creation is Messy) Peaches & Cream glass in all of the beads.  Four of the beads have Peaches & Cream encased in pink, green, blue, or yellow transparent and three have pink, blue, and yellow encased with Peaches & Cream.  The beads that have been encased with P&C have an interesting antiqued kind of effect.  P&C is a translucent colour so it is sometimes opaque and sometimes a bit more transparent.  This means that sometimes the bottom colour shows through a bit and sometimes it doesn't.  You can see the effect best on the blue bead at the top.
Another thing I found interesting was when I encased the Peaches & Cream (which, as you can imagine, is a peach coloured glass) with a coloured transparent glass, the coloured glass typically changed or tinted the P&C so it's a bit more pink or a little more orange that type of thing.  This happened with all the colours except the blue.  For this bead, you can clearly see the blue glass on the outside and a very distinct peach glass on the inside which I think really looks neat with this particular shape.
Anyway that it's for now.  I'm off to find out how to add multiple blog pages and customize my pages menu and possibly put posts into pages.  I may never publish another post but if you check back you can probably see constant changes to how this blog looks.  Yeah.

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